Taiwan-pris til Jon Bang Carlsen

Purity Beats Everything

Jon Bang Carlsen modtog søndag den 9. november kortfilmkonkurrencens Grand Prix på Taiwans internationale dokumentarfilmfestival.

Jon Bang Carlsen vandt prisen med filmen "Purity Beats Everything", og juryen begrundede valget med følgende udtalelse:

"Reflecting his own relationship to history and his life Jon Bang Carlsen goes beyond the common approach of dealing with the memory of the holocaust. The jury was deeply impressed by the honesty of the film that takes us along on the inner journey of the filmmaker. Contrasting the interviews he made with two Auschwitz survivors in South Africa with the everyday images surrounding him on his farm in Denmark he finds his own poetic language to express the inexpressible."


"Purity Beats Everything"
DFI factsheet

[Foto: Jon Bang Carlsen]