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Søren Malling - A Late Bloomer
07. maj 2013. Søren Malling last year celebrated 20 years in the acting business. But he has only really been getting serious attention in the last few years for his roles in the TV series "The Killing" and …
"We Pushed Ourselves To The Max"
07. maj 2013. So says Lene Børglum, producer of Nicolas Winding Refn's Danish Cannes competitor "Only God Forgives", a low-budget film with a stylised cinematic vocabulary and a star-studded cast.
Everything is in motion
01. jun 2012 | NEW FILM. Meditation and yoga are shown to help war veterans and children with attention-deficit disorder in Phie Ambo's "Free the Mind". The prizewinning director, whose new film explores the human brain,…
Alting er i bevægelse
25. maj 2012 | INTERVIEW. Traumatiserede krigsveteraner og børn med ADHD lindres gennem yoga og meditation i "Free the Mind", der udforsker universets mest komplekse organisme: hjernen. Det giver Phie Ambo energi at sætte…
The truth hurts
10. maj 2012 | INTERVIEW. Is it okay to portray love as a young girl who doesn 't talk and loves sex? This was one of the questions director Katrine Wiedemann and writer Kim Fupz Aakeson grappled with as they worked on "A…
Restoring masculine dignity
06. maj 2011 | INTERVIEW. After his tense WW 2 blockbuster "Flame & Citron", Ole Christian Madsen is back with a light love story about the passion for women, football, tango and wine. Shooting in Argentina, the first…
Interview med Zanny Petersen
Zanny Petersen (1892-1976) løj sig gammel nok og fik som ganske ung skuespillerjob hos Nordisk Film i 1911. Indspillede desuden sensationsfilm hos Filmfabriken Danmark, hvor hun blandt meget andet…
Danske film på CPH:DOX 2025
13. mar 2025 | DOKUMENTAR. Onsdag den 19. marts åbner CPH:DOX med over 200 dokumentarfilm fra hele verden – heraf 36 danske film, der for hovedpartens vedkommende får verdenspremiere på festivalen.
Pelle Møller bliver ny filmkonsulent
13. mar 2025 | ANSÆTTELSE. Pelle Møller tiltræder 1. april som ny kort- og dokumentarfilm-konsulent med særligt fokus på børn og unge.
Mathilde Hvid Lippmann ny redaktør for New Danish Screen
12. mar 2025 | ANSÆTTELSE. Mathilde Hvid Lippmann tiltræder 14. april som ny projektredaktør på New Danish Screen.