Dan Nissen

Cand.mag i dansk og filmvidenskab fra Københavns Universitet, 1978. Eksterne lektor samme sted 1978-85. Museumsinspektør ved Det Danske Filmmuseum 1988-97, områdedirektør for Museum & Cinematek på Det Danske Filminstitut siden 1997. Filmanmelder på Information 1976-99 og siden 1988 redaktør af Kosmorama. Dan Nissen har skrevet en lang række bidrag til filmudgivelser, senest: 100 års dansk film (2001), Preserve then show (DFI, 2002 – redaktør), 100 Years of Nordisk Film (DFI, 2006 - redaktør), Danske filminstruktører (2005). Siden 2000 medlem af ACE EC, bestyrelsen for Association of European Film Archives. Har endvidere siddet i diverse arbejdsgrupper under Kulturministeriet i forbindelse med udredninger om kulturarvbevaring og bevaring af digitale medier.

MA in film and literature, University of Copenhagen, 1978. Assistant professor at the University of Copenhagen (1978-85), Deputy Curator at the Danish Film Museum (1988-97), Director DFI/Archive & Cinematheque since 1997. Critic at a daily newspaper 1976-99 and co-editor of Kosmorama since 1988. Dan Nissen has contributed to numerous books on film. Most recently: Danish films through 100 years (2001), Preserve then show (2002 – co-editor), 100 Years of Nordisk Film (2006), Danish Film Directors (2005).
Dan Nissen has published articles on film, film preservation and restoration in a wide range of journals and periodicals and has been lecturing on seminars, conferences etc.
Since 2000 he has been member of ACE EC, the executive committee of the Association of European Film Archives. He has been member of a working group on preservation of the national cultural heritage, established by the ministry of Culture ( 2002-03) and of working groups on digitisation of the cultural heritage and long term preservation of digital media (2006-09).
