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I'm Not Out to Judge
13. nov 2013. Jon Bang Carlsen originally planned his new film, "Just the Right Amount of Violence", as a relatively straight documentary, but the project ended up as one of the most genre-blending works of the 63…
Staged Documentarism
13. nov 2013. At first glance, Jon Bang Carlsen's "Just the Right Amount of Violence" resonates with the recent trend of hybrid films, but his new documentary is a natural extension of methods the Danish filmmaker…
Gifted Idiocy
13. nov 2013. In its transgressive aesthetics and upfront awkwardness, Lars von Trier's Dogme film "The Idiots" (1998) hits like a fist in the gut. Jesper Jargil's making-of film "The Humiliated" (1998) peels back…
Desperately Seeking Space
16. nov 2009. Shanghai Space, directed by Nanna Frank Møller, takes a poetic and contemplative look at the abnormal growth of China's great port city, where a new building is constructed every other day, and where…
Infrastructure out of control
04. nov 2009. Humour is a powerful element in Mumbai Disconnected, directed by Camilla Nielsson and Frederik Jacobi. Mumbai is growing like it was on steroids. But a collapsing infrastructure is threatening to put…
Megacitites: Global visions for an urban future
04. nov 2009. At this very moment, giant urban organisms are growing at unprecedented rates. Today 50 percent of the world’s population lives in urban areas. By 2030 this figure is predicted to increase to 80…
Interview med Zanny Petersen
Zanny Petersen (1892-1976) løj sig gammel nok og fik som ganske ung skuespillerjob hos Nordisk Film i 1911. Indspillede desuden sensationsfilm hos Filmfabriken Danmark, hvor hun blandt meget andet…
Danske film på CPH:DOX 2025
13. mar 2025 | DOKUMENTAR. Onsdag den 19. marts åbner CPH:DOX med over 200 dokumentarfilm fra hele verden – heraf 36 danske film, der for hovedpartens vedkommende får verdenspremiere på festivalen.
Pelle Møller bliver ny filmkonsulent
13. mar 2025 | ANSÆTTELSE. Pelle Møller tiltræder 1. april som ny kort- og dokumentarfilm-konsulent med særligt fokus på børn og unge.
Mathilde Hvid Lippmann ny redaktør for New Danish Screen
12. mar 2025 | ANSÆTTELSE. Mathilde Hvid Lippmann tiltræder 14. april som ny projektredaktør på New Danish Screen.