Artificial Influence - Cultivating in a New Reality

MEDIA & TV Drama Vision i Göteborg præsenterer

TV Drama Vision 2024 finder sted under Göteborg Film Festival 30. - 31. januar.

I samarbejde med TV Drama Vision og Kulturakademin præsenterer de nordiske og baltiske MEDIA Deske to programpunkter under temaet Artificial Influence - Cultivating in a New Reality.

Akkreditering er nødvendig til begge programmer.

Tirsdag d. 30. januar

Kl. 13:25 - 14:05

Panel: What about AI?

Join Robert Franke, Vice President Drama at ZDF Studios, Gerhard Maier, Artistic Director at SerienCamp; and producer Kateryna Vyshnevska, as they delve into the evolving world of AI in the audiovisual sector. Uncover what excites and troubles the panel, and what inspires their optimism as they discuss the latest advancements and diverse impacts of AI-powered technology. Moderated by Johanna Koljonen.

Cinema DRAKEN, Oluf Palmes Plats 2

Kl. 16:45 - 17:45

Rediscovering Life – Storytelling in the age of AI  

In a time when powerful tools of audiovisual creation are put into the hands of everybody and their uncle, which storytellers will still be able to pierce through the noise? Maybe even get paid for their work? The most tech-savvy ones or the ones who are the most… alive?  Fiery keynote by Tatjana Samopjan.

Drama Hall, Oluf Palmes Plats 2


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