
Knytt Underground

Nicklas "Nifflas" Nygren, Danmark, 2013


Knytt Underground is a side-scrolling exploration platformer with a simple basic goal: the world (as the name suggests a underground cave) is about to die and so the protagonist Mi has to ring the six fate bells. Of course those are divided over the whole world (spanning about 1800 one-screen rooms) so she has a lot exploring to do. Since Mi is mute, she quickly gains two fairy followers which do the talking for her. Those have different personalities and in some conversations she can choose which one should talk, but mechanically this does not make a big difference.
Grundoplysninger Credits
Original titel Knytt Underground
Dansk titel Knytt Underground
Instruktør Nicklas "Nifflas" Nygren
Produktionsland Danmark
Dansk distribution Ripstone
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Produktionsselskab Nifflas Games
Dansk distribution Ripstone


Instruktion Nicklas "Nifflas" Nygren

Interactive crew

Additional programming Mathias Kærlev

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