
Light Apprentice


When life in the world of Ethenia is threatened by the corruption of the Yhrosian Empire, a hero will rise to protect the Planet and its people.
Meet Nate, the Light Apprentice, and take part in his journey through a kind of "Comic GameBook" experience like you've never seen before!
After having spent 300 years in a deep sleep, Nate wakes up to a world ravaged by war. The Planet's environment is damaged and on the course to destruction. Only Nate and the 4 other last remaining Apprentices may have the key to restore balance to the Planet's environment, thus saving the world.
Grundoplysninger Credits
Original titel Light Apprentice
Dansk titel Light Apprentice
Produktionsland Danmark
Dansk distribution Amazu Media
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Produktionsselskab Amazu Media
Dansk distribution Amazu Media

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