
Tales from the Void

Hans von Knut Skovfoged, Danmark, 2016


Travel back to a time of adventure, heroism and mystery as Edwin Albert Taylor Bragg, the British captain of the HMS E18 - on a secret mission to obliterate the Germans and win the war for the allies. When a secret weapon misfires, you and your crew are warped into space. Struggling for survival, you venture out into the asteroid field to scavenge resources and fight off hostile aliens. Food is scarce, air supply is low and time is running out. Can you escape the void and find a way home?
Grundoplysninger Credits
Original titel Tales from the Void
Dansk titel Tales from the Void
Instruktør Hans von Knut Skovfoged
Manuskript Martin Ørbæk
Producent Hans von Knut Skovfoged
Produktionsland Danmark
Dansk distribution Black Dog Publishing
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Produktionsselskab PortaPlay ApS
Dansk distribution Black Dog Publishing


Instruktion Hans von Knut Skovfoged
Kreativ instruktør Jakob Hansson


Manuskriptforfatter Martin Ørbæk
Historie Morten Brunbjerg
Historie Mira Dorthé


Producer Hans von Knut Skovfoged


Lead game designer Esben Skaarup
Game design Magnus Sonne Nielsen
Game design Matteo Ferrara

Interactive crew

Lead level design Jakob Hansson

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