
Aporia: Beyond the Valley

Danmark, 2017


Aporia: Beyond The Valley brings a unique approach to the art of storytelling, by not using text or dialogue. It offers new, interesting puzzle mechanics, and elaborate environmental storytelling within an immersive world.
The mystical world of Ez’rat Qin - once a mighty civilization, now a crumbled ruin.
You awake after hundreds of years of sleep, in an abandoned land and no memory of your past. Immersed in this world of dark beauty, thrilling mystery and ancient puzzles, you embark on a quest to find out what happened in this world, and to discover who you are.
Grundoplysninger Credits
Original titel Aporia: Beyond the Valley
Dansk titel Aporia: Beyond the Valley
Produktionsland Danmark
Dansk distribution Green Man Gaming Publishing
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Produktionsselskab Investigate North
Dansk distribution Green Man Gaming Publishing

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