

Martin Emborg, Danmark, 2017


After a century in stasis the girl En arrives at her destination: A Palace out of legend, a marvel of the old civilization eons gone, still awaiting its first human occupants. Out here, using forgotten technologies, she hopes to bring back a life that shouldn’t have been lost. But nothing could prepare her for what she’ll face in the ancient halls below.
The experience starts as a character driven journey of discovery, but as it unfolds it evolves into something altogether more punishing. The Palace studies everything you do, everything you are, to use it against you. Gameplay revolves around stealth, action and manipulation, as you face off against the ultimate enemy: Yourself.
Grundoplysninger Credits
Original titel Echo
Dansk titel Echo
Instruktør Martin Emborg
Manuskript Christel Cecilie Graabæk
Producent Christel Cecilie Graabæk
Lyd Simon Holm List
Komponist Bjarke Niemann
Produktionsland Danmark
Dansk distribution Ultra Ultra
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Produktionsselskab Ultra Ultra
Dansk distribution Ultra Ultra


Instruktion Martin Emborg


Manuskriptforfatter Christel Cecilie Graabæk


Producer Christel Cecilie Graabæk


Komponist Bjarke Niemann


Lyddesigner Simon Holm List

Visual effects

Art director Martin Emborg


Game design Morten Hedegren
Animation Mads Herman Johansen
Character artist Søren Bech Jensen
Environment artist Jocke Häggström

Interactive crew

Level design Morten Hedegren
Lead programmer Robin Malm
Programmør Vincent Badin

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