

Ida Hartmann, Danmark, 2020


Stilstand is a dark and absurd interactive graphic novel. Follow a young woman as she tries to stay afloat in Copenhagen during a summer riddled with anxiety and loneliness. Amid the desire for isolation there’s still a hope that one day, things will change. Maybe the shadow monster in her apartment can help her? Experience a personal and hand drawn tale about the high expectations and fragile emotional life that many young people struggle with. Navigate the girl through a world of grotesque scenarios and richly detailed black and white illustrations. Play original mini-games, scroll fictive social media feeds and send bewildered text messages. Stilstand has an average playtime of 1 hour.
Grundoplysninger Credits
Original titel Stilstand
Dansk titel Stilstand
Instruktør Ida Hartmann
Producent Andosha Khaleesi, Miki Anthony
Lyd Rasmus Lagerstedt, Ida Hartmann
Komponist Andreas Lagerstedt
Produktionsland Danmark
Dansk distribution Nakana
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Produktionsselskab Niila Games
Dansk distribution Nakana


Instruktion Ida Hartmann


Producer Andosha Khaleesi
Producer Miki Anthony


Komponist Andreas Lagerstedt


Lyddesigner Rasmus Lagerstedt
Lyddesigner Ida Hartmann

Visual effects

Art work Ida Hartmann


Game design Ida Hartmann
Game design Andosha Khaleesi
Game design Andreas Lagerstedt
Animation Glenn August

Interactive crew

Programmør Peter Vestergaard Jørgensen
Programmør Kasper Christian Hansen

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