
Mainstream Sellout Live from Cleveland: The Pink Era

Sam Cahill, USA, 2023

120 min.U/DokumentarfilmMusikfilm

Mainstream Sellout Live from Cleveland: The Pink Era takes fans on a journey with Machine Gun Kelly for his unforgettable 2022 homecoming performance at Cleveland’s FirstEnergy Stadium along with exclusive behind-the-scenes moments from his sold-out world tour.
Grundoplysninger Credits
Original titel Mainstream Sellout Live from Cleveland: The Pink Era
Dansk titel Mainstream Sellout Live from Cleveland: The Pink Era
Instruktør Sam Cahill
Produktionsland USA
Dansk distribution Trafalgar Releasing Ltd
Dansk biografpremiere 13.05.2023
Aldersgrænse Frarådes børn under 7 år
Vurdering Se Medierådets vurdering
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Produktionsselskab Universal Music Group
Dansk distribution Trafalgar Releasing Ltd


Instruktion Sam Cahill

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