
En italiensk familie

Marco Tullio Giordana, Italien, 2003

360 min.U/Spillefilm

An italian family from the end of the 1960s to the present day. The plot revolves around two brothers, Nicola and Matteo. They share the same dreams, hopes, books and friends until they meet a mentally disturbed young woman, an encounter that helps to shape their lives. Nicola decides to become a psychiatrist while Matteo joins the police force. Their parents, Angelo and Adriana, and their sisters, Giovanna and Francesca, make up the rest of the family. Along with Giulia and Mirelia, the two women who mark Matteo and Nicola's lives, these characters form the core of a story that covers the major events of the last forty years of italian social history and paints the portrait of a generation that, rather than accept the world as it was, tried to make it a better place.
Grundoplysninger Credits Materialer
Original titel La meglio gioventù
Dansk titel En italiensk familie
Instruktør Marco Tullio Giordana
Manuskript Sandro Petraglia, Stefano Rulli
Producent Angelo Barbagallo, Donatella Botti
Fotograf Roberto Forza
Klipper Roberto Missiroli
Scenograf Franco Ceraolo
Medvirkende Luigi Lo Cascio, Alessio Boni, Adriana Asti
Produktionsland Italien
Dansk distribution Posthus Teatret
Dansk biografpremiere 04.03.2011
Premierebiografer Posthus Teatret
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Produktionsselskab BiBi Film
Dansk distribution Posthus Teatret


Instruktion Marco Tullio Giordana


Manus Sandro Petraglia
Manus Stefano Rulli


Producer Angelo Barbagallo
Producer Donatella Botti


Foto Roberto Forza


Klip Roberto Missiroli


Produktionsdesign Franco Ceraolo


Nicola Carati Luigi Lo Cascio
Matteo Carati Alessio Boni
Adriana Carati Adriana Asti

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