
Nasas Unexplained Files S1

USA, 2014

264 min.

Countless mysterious flying objects have been caught on NASAs cameras and many astronauts have reported seeing UFOs. Some of the strange shapes and glowing lights can be identified; others remain a mystery to this day. With unique NASA footage and ground-breaking interviews from both astronauts and scientists, we explore the idea that there may be life outside of our plane
Grundoplysninger Credits
Original titel Nasas Unexplained Files S1
Dansk titel Nasas Unexplained Files S1
Produktionsland USA
Dansk distribution Universal Sony Pictures Nordic AB
Aldersgrænse Frarådes børn under 7 år
Vurdering Se Medierådets vurdering
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Produktionsselskab Sony Pictures
Dansk distribution Universal Sony Pictures Nordic AB

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