

Danmark, 2013

44 min.

Episode 5 - Market day. Each month there is a big market at the Speedor races. Laval and Eris go there, but Cragger has hired the Ravens to steal Laval¿s precious Speedor. And suddenly the prize of the races, the Golden CHI, has also disappeared.

Episode 6 - Attack on Eagle Spire
The Crocodiles hire the Ravens to trick the Wolves into attacking the Eagle Spires. But it is all part of an elaborate plot to harm both the Lions, Eagles and Wolves. Laval and Eris must act quickly to save the day.
Grundoplysninger Credits
Original titel Market Day & Attack On Eagle Spire
Dansk titel Tbd
Produktionsland Danmark
Dansk distribution LEGO Systems A/S
Aldersgrænse Tilladt for alle
Vurdering Se Medierådets vurdering
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Produktionsselskab LEGO
Dansk distribution LEGO Systems A/S

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