
[US - Grønland]

USA, 1940

27 min.U/Dokumentarfilm

Diverse ugerevyer:
Military operations on all fronts, War department no. 37

Optagelser fra bl.a. Burma, Sibirien, Grønland, New York, Norge og USA

Samling af US-nyhedsudsendelser fra 1940'rne.
Tre ruller, som kun indeholder ét indslag om Arktis hver.
1. Combat Bulletin: Military operations on all fronts (War Department, Army Pictoral Service)
a. Pacific: Activities on Leyte and Mindoro (Philippines)
b. North America: Air Ferry Route to Siberia, 4:45
c.India-Burma: Advance in Burma, 6:50

2. Paramount News 1941, 10:50
a. "Sports" (med Franklin D. Roosevelt)
b. "Real Life Drama at Sing Sing"
c. "News - Not so good"
i.Japan and Soviets sign five-year non aggression pact
ii. Denmark 'repudiates' Greenland agreement (Tale Henrik Kaufmann, efterfulgt af billeder af Sukkertoppen og Ivigtut), 14:22-15:40
d. "Easter 1941 - In this Land of Peace" (Forårsbilleder af New York og Washington)
e. "Parachutists - U.S. Army!!"

3. Paramount News 1949, 19:40
a. "Mercy Mission in the Arctic" (stedet fremgår ikke)
b. "New German Parliament gets down to Business" (med Konrad Adenauer o.a.)
c. "New York: 'World Series' of the Dance"
d. "Theatre Owners get together in Movie Capital"
Grundoplysninger Credits
Original titel [Combat Bulletin]
Dansk titel [US - Grønland]
Produktionsland USA
Tekniske data 300 meter
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Produktionsselskab Army Pictorial Service

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